We strongly believe that the happiness of employees is the cornerstone of successful organisations! Our mission is to honour and highlight companies and institutions that excel in nurturing outstanding work environments with innovative practices. We’re committed to acknowledging those who exceed expectations in creating environments that are positive, inclusive, and stimulating. Through recognition, we aim to inspire and motivate other organisations to emulate these exemplary practices, nurturing workplaces that are truly exceptional. Come join us in celebrating those who are transforming workplaces into better, more enriching spaces for all!


At Workplace Awards, we aspire to celebrate companies’ outstanding accomplishments and showcase them as shining examples of excellence within India’s corporate sphere. Our goal is to cultivate a culture that values recognition and gratitude, encouraging organisations to consistently enhance their efforts in cultivating vibrant, inclusive, and flourishing workplaces.


With a legacy of expertise in Talent & Workforce Solutions, Zyoin Group brings unparalleled industry insights and a deep understanding of organisational dynamics to Workplace Awards. Our synergy with leading organisations has propelled us to spearhead this prestigious event, recognising and honouring the leaders of workplace excellence.


Participating in Workplace Awards isn’t just about winning; it’s about being part of a community of exceptional organisations dedicated to learning, talent development, and success.

brand visibility

Leverage our network to enhance brand visibility, spread achievements, and unlock growth opportunities, ensuring widespread recognition and impact.

Distinguished Recognition

Workplace Awards celebrate Pan India's top organisations, excellence, & success, fostering networking opportunities among industry peers and leaders.

Acquire expertise

We offer industry experts and thought leaders valuable insights, enhancing skills through sessions on latest trends and strategies for professional development.

Network Expansion

Expand your network with industry leaders, exchange ideas, and explore partnerships. Elevate your professional network and seize new opportunities with Workplace Awards.

showcase successes

Workplace Awards highlight dedication, innovation, and excellence, crucial for standing out in today's competition, solidifying leadership status.

Workplace Awards Core Values

At Workplace Awards, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of honesty, transparency, integrity, and fairness in all aspects of our operations. These core values serve as the foundation upon which we build our relationships with employees, clients, partners, and the broader community.


We prioritize honesty through open communication, acknowledging both successes and challenges.


It is key to building trust; we provide clear information to enable informed decisions.


Guides us, adhering to ethical principles even in difficult times.


It is fundamental; we ensure equal opportunities and merit-based decisions without bias.

In upholding these core values, Workplace Awards aims to build a culture of trust, respect, and excellence, where individuals and organizations can thrive and be recognized for their contributions to creating positive and impactful workplaces.

Thank you for entrusting us with your submissions. We are committed to providing a level playing field for all participants and look forward to recognizing your achievements in our event.

Register Now to Join the Grand Event!

August 2 | Conrad Bengaluru

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